Trip/Activity Deposit Slip


Single Supplement Request


Request for Approval of Payment by Credit Card


Trip Report Form (Revised 16 February 2019)


Club Social Event Report Form


Trip and Activity Application Form.

Trip and Activity Application Form



E-transfer to or Cheque Only, No cash.
0 of 200 max characters
FOR “DRIVING TRIPS” (Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements)
Taking my car
Can take passengers



Payment of any monies for reservation on a trip or activity shall constitute acceptance and consent to all provisions of the Terms and Conditions / Waiver of Liability. All payments are non-refundable.

Cancellation: In the event of cancellation by the Club member, it is said members responsibility to find an acceptable replacement for their trip or activity. If no satisfactory replacement is found, only that portion which may be refunded by the resort, less any costs incurred by the Club due to the cancellation, will be refunded to the member, and only after the trip or activity is completed and Trip or Activity Report reviewed and approved.

Wait List Policy: When a trip or activity is filled, all extra applicants are put on the wait list in the order their names appear on the signup sheet. When a space becomes available applicants will be notified and the full payment due must be received by Club Ski 30 within seven days (sooner if the departure is within 14 days).

Trip or Activity Eligibility Policy: Only Club Ski 30 members in good standing may participate in Club Ski 30 trip or activities. Family relations of members may participate in designated “family” trip or activities.

Payment Schedule: Persons not meeting payment schedules are subject to replacement.

Payment: E-transfer to or provide cheque. No cash accepted.

Price Increases: Prices are based on current tariffs. Prices are subject to change due to unforeseen increases.

Insurance: Participants on Club Ski 30 trip or activities must arrange their out-of-province / country medical insurance for the duration of the trip or activity. Comprehensive insurance is recommended to cover cancellation, baggage, etc.

Rules of Conduct: In order to promote goodwill and relaxation at Club Ski 30 activities (trip parties, trips, meetings, etc.) it shall be the duty of the coordinator or any member of the Executive to eject from that activity, anyone whose behaviour exceeds the bounds of good taste or who participates in illegal acts. Such person shall also be subject to expulsion from Club Ski 30 if deemed necessary by the Executive. The sole liability of Club Ski 30 shall be to refund the membership dues paid for the current year.

Policy concerning Non Trip or Activity Participants Sharing Rooms: Club Ski 30 trip or activities will be limited to only those whose application and payments have been received and confirmed by Club Ski 30. Sharing accommodation with non trip or activity participants is not permitted. This policy has been established to protect Club Ski 30’s reputation with the hotel industry, to avoid inconveniencing other trip or activity participants, and to maintain the high standards with which Club Ski 30 is associated.

Waiver of Liability: Club Ski 30 acts only as an agent and assumes no responsibility or liability in connection with the service of any carriage, aircraft, motor or other conveyance which may be wholly or part in the performance of its duty to the passengers; neither will it be responsible for any act, error, or omission or any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay or irregularity, which may be occasioned by conveying the passenger; or any hotel proprietor or hotel service or any other person engaged in carrying out the purpose for which the trip and activity is sold. In the event it becomes necessary for any reason whatsoever to alter itinerary or arrangements, such alterations may be made without penalty to Club Ski 30. Club Ski 30 reserves the right to cancel or alter any trip or activity at any time. In case of cancellation, Club Ski 30 will not be liable for more than the passenger has paid to Club Ski 30. In the case of lack of snow during the ski season, refund policies established by each lodging facility and ski area will be upheld by Club Ski 30. The refund policy that governs each trip or activity will be dependent on the area chosen.

I understand and acknowledge the terms of payment as advertised. I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions/Waiver of Liability.